News & Events
A Case Study to Understand Structural Systems of Pol House and Repair and Retrofitting Techniques This paper presents the case study of a Pol house in the walled city of Ahmedabad. It gives a brief overview of architectural as well as structural elements associated with the Pol house.
Opportunities for Heritage: Fostering Innovation, Conservation and Sustainability | Muscat, Oman Abstract titled ‘ Evaluating the impact of non-formal Educational Programs for Conservation of World Heritage sites: Case studies from India’ selected for the conference. (Co-author: Michael Tomlan, Cornell University)
Climate Culture Peace | ICCROM | Climate.Culture.Peace is a knowledge-building initiative, which aims to explore the interconnections between culture, climate change, peace and disaster resilience.
Recipient of 2022 Pamela H. Simpson Presenter’s Fellowship | 2022 | VAF’s Conference Papers Committee, the Fellowships Committee awarded the 2022 Pamela H. Simpson Presenter’s Fellowship, which provides financial assistance to students and young professionals presenting papers at VAF annual conferences for the abstract titled “Vernacular construction practices from Northeast India: Heritage value, challenges and its repercussions"
Emerging Professional Scholarship | Grand Tour Italy by Assorestauro with APT APT’s Italian partner Assoreastaurois planning a unique educational tour designed specifically for APT and the interests and educational needs of our members.